RIC temp #2150

Temp №: 2150
Reign Aurelianus
Person Aurelianus
Mint Siscia
Issue 5
Issue name
Datation end 271 – autumn 272
Officina 3
Denomination Antoniniani
obverse reverse
Obverse coin Revers coin
Obverse mark Reverse mark –/–//*T
Bust code G5l Reverse code Emperor and Jupiter 1c
Bust description Bust left, radiate, cuirassed and draped with paludamentum, seen from rear, holding spear pointing forward in right hand, shield on left shoulder Reverse description Emperor in military dress stg. r., holding short sceptre in l. hand, receiving a globe from Jupiter stg. l., holding long sceptre in l. hand.

Note Only one obverse die recorded.
Reference BNC p.354
RIC1st 225
Specimens of this coin type
Location Reference Quantity Weight Axis Remark
Vienna (75884, Rohde) 1 3.85 1 photo
Vienna (87037, Graf Westphalen) 1 3.03 12 photo
Verona TNRB 9, 14044 1 2.77 12
Ph. Gysen collection (Inv.139) 1 3.25 6 photo
P.-F. Jacquier collection 1 3.67 6 photo
CNG, 66, 19/V/2004, 1606. 1 photo
Giessener, 156, 6/III/2007, 2285 = Rauch, 81, 23-24/XI/2007, 627 1 3.65 photo
Hirsch, 170, 22-5/V/1991, 1559 = Göbl 199k 3 1
Jacquier, 16, 1994, 602 = Jacquier, 17, 1995, 588 1 2.47
Lanz, 123, 30/V/2005, 825 1 photo
Private collection 1 3.56 1 RIC temp 2141 : 12e ex. photo
Rauch, Auction Numismata 2011, 15/IV/2011, 390 1 3.43 photo