RIC temp #1393

Temp №: 1393
Reign Aurelianus
Person Aurelianus
Mint Milan
Issue 1
Issue name Phase 1
Datation December 270 – January 271
Officina 3
Denomination Antoniniani
obverse reverse
Obverse coin Revers coin
Obverse mark Reverse mark –/–//T
Bust code D1 Reverse code Concordia 5
Bust description Bust right, radiate, cuirassed and draped with paludamentum Reverse description Concordia stg. l., holding standard in r. hand and cornucopiae in l. hand

Note A coin in Mu has been struck with an obverse die of issue 2 (distinguishable by lettering) - a hybrid.
Reference LV 1560
RIC1st 101
Specimens of this coin type
Location Reference Quantity Weight Axis Remark
London (1962 4-10-141) 1 3.54 5 photo
London (1987 6-47-287) Normanby 1261 1 2.94 12 photo
London (R 1697) 1 4.60 6 photo
Paris (Acq. 1976/243) BNC 370 1 3.50 11 Same obverse die as BNC 368 photo
Paris (AF) BNC 368 1 2.71 11 Same obverse die as BNC 370 photo
Paris (Pflaum 183) BNC 369 = Thibouville 2168 1 3.04 12 Same obverse die as BNC 372 photo
Paris (Pflaum 184) BNC 371 = Thibouville 2167 1 3.57 12 photo
Paris (Pflaum 185) BNC 372 1 3.98 11 Same obverse die as BNC 369 photo
Oxford 1 3.50 6 photo
Vienna (21222) 1 2.85 12 photo
Vienna (68830, Rohde) 1 3.46 5 photo
Vienna (69929, Voetter) 1 2.64 6 photo
Milan (Com. 2397) 1 3.18 5 photo
Milan (Laffranchi 11152) 1 1.99 6 photo
Milan (Laffranchi 14338) 1 3.49 6 photo
Milan (Laffranchi 14345) 1 3.12 5 photo
Milan (Laffranchi 22026) 1 1.96 5 photo
Munich 1 3.29 5 Obverse die of issue 2 (distinguishable by graphy) - a hybrid. photo
Munich 1 3.49 5 photo
Verona (La Venèra) LV 1560 1 3.85 11 photo
Berlin 1 2.74 5 photo
Authieux II (TM XI) 922 corr. 1
Blackmoor 3683-4 2
Colonne 568 1
Évreux 1 3.60
Komin 800 1
Maltby (CHRB II) 1
Normanby 1261 1
Pannecé II 1053 (Amas) 1 3.53 photo
Private collection 1 3.37 11 photo
Pannecé II 1053 (Vase B, lot 8) 1 4.16 photo