RIC temp #422

Temp №: 422
Reign Claudius II
Person Claudius II
Mint Rome
Issue 2
Issue name
Datation c. early 270 – mid 270
Officina 12
Denomination Antoniniani
obverse reverse
Obverse coin Revers coin
Obverse mark Reverse mark –/–//XII
Bust code A1 Reverse code Providentia 3
Bust description Head right, radiate Reverse description Providentia stg. l., holding baton in r. hand and cornucopiae in l. hand, with l. elbow leaning on column; at feet to l., globe.

Reference Cunetio 2185
RIC1st 92 var.
Specimens of this coin type
Location Reference Quantity Weight Axis Remark
Paris (Coll. Pflaum) Çanakkale 2082 1 2.38 12 photo
Vienna (50197, Markl) 1 2.83 1 photo
Vienna (50199, Markl) 1 3.64 5 photo
Munich 1 3.02 12 photo
Akenham hoard (CHRB IV) 1
Aldbourne Hoard (CHRB IV) 339 1
Allonnes II (TM VIII) 884 1
Çanakkale 2082-3 2
Cunetio 2185 1 3.09 Illustrated
Évreux 1
F. Johannessen collection 1
Goeblingen 2187 1
Komin 513 1