RIC temp #375

Temp №: 375
Reign Claudius II
Person Claudius II
Mint Rome
Issue 2
Issue name
Datation c. early 270 – mid 270
Officina 8
Denomination Antoniniani
obverse reverse
Obverse coin Revers coin
Obverse mark Reverse mark –/–//–
Bust code B1 Reverse code Mars 2b
Bust description Bust right, radiate, cuirassed Reverse description Mars walking r., holding transverse spear pointing forward in r. hand and trophy over l. shoulder in l. hand.

Reference Normanby 869
RIC1st 67
Specimens of this coin type
Location Reference Quantity Weight Axis Remark
London (1987 6-47-159) Normanby 869 1 2.61 1 photo
Paris (Duplicates) 1 3.48 6 photo
Paris (S. de Ricci) 1 2.37 11 photo
Oxford (Chalgrove II) Chalgrove II 397 1 2.68 12 photo
Munich 1 2.65 6 photo
Brussels (Inv. II 60.807) Çanakkale 1488 1 3.16 1 photo
Brussels (No reference) 1 2.67 12 photo
Aldbourne Hoard (CHRB IV) 330 1
Bath Area (CHRB VI) 395 2
Bavai 2
Çanakkale 1903 1
Cunetio 2154 1
Ig 498 2 2.54
Komin 440 1
Les Ormes (TM XIV) 78-79 2
Maltby (CHRB II) 1
Rouilly-Sacey (TM IX) 103 1