RIC temp #3599

Temp №: 3599
Reign Tacitus
Person Tacitus
Mint Siscia
Issue 1
Issue name
Datation November 275 - June 276
Denomination Aurei
obverse reverse
Obverse coin Revers coin
Obverse mark Reverse mark –/–//–
Bust code D1* Reverse code Roma 2c
Bust description Bust right, laureate, cuirassed and draped with paludamentum Reverse description Roma std. l., shield leaning against throne, holding Victory in r. hand and long sceptre in l. hand.

Reference Est. 56-65
RIC1st 74 corr.
Specimens of this coin type
Location Reference Quantity Weight Axis Remark
London (1864 11-28-157) Estiot 1999/2, 60a 1 4.17 5 photo
Vienna (21838) Estiot 1999/2, 57a 1 4.95 5 photo
Vienna (40528, von Kolb) Estiot 1999/2, 62a 1 4.15 10 Pierced at 12 o'clock. photo
Munich Estiot 1999/2, 63a 1 5.15
Estiot 1999/2, 56a = Rollin Feuardent 26-9/V/1889, du Chastel collection, 580 = Sotheby's, 13-8/VI/1906, 111 = ex New York (1001.1.22230, Hispanic Society) = NAC 67, 17/X/2012, 2004 1 4.56 photo
Bucarest (Institut Archéologique) Estiot 1999/2, 65a = E. Oberländer-Tarnoveanu et alii, 'Politique et technologie. Observations sur les émissions monétaires romaines d’or de 253 à 364', RN 1996, 8 1 4.18
Glasgow Estiot 1999/2, 59a 1 4.43
Leiden Estiot 1999/2, 56b 1 4.33
Rome (Museo Nazionale) Estiot 1999/2, 58b 1 4.05
Berk, 138, 1/VI/2004, 44172 1 photo
Estiot 1999/2, 58a = Bourgey, 30/XI/1967 = Hess Leu, 45, 12-12/V/1970, 626 = UBS, 75, 22/I/2008, 1098 = Chaponnière & Hess-Divo, 1, 18-9/V/2010, 253 1 4.65 photo
Estiot 1999/2, 61a = Hess, 9/V/1951, 261 = Hess-Leu, 45, 12/V/1970, 626 = Künker, 204, 12/III/2012, 829 (plugged hole) =BNC pl.93, 395 1 4.36 Plugged hole at 11 o'clock photo
Estiot 1999/2, 64a = Peus, 334, 4/XI/1992, 992 1 5.00
NAC, 25, 25/VI/2003, 564 1 4.35
Tkalec, 24/X/2003, 391 = Numismatica Genevensis, 4, 11-12/XII/2006, 239 1 4.65 11 photo
UBS, 78, 9/IX/2008, 1907 = Rauch, 84, 13-15/V/2009, 809 = Künker, 168, 12/III/2010, 7847 1 5.35 photo