RIC temp #3179

Temp №: 3179
Reign Aurelianus
Person Severina
Mint Antioch
Issue 5
Issue name
Datation spring 274 – early 275
Officina 6
Denomination Aureliani
obverse reverse
Obverse coin Revers coin
Obverse mark Reverse mark ϛ/–//XXI
Bust code E2 Reverse code Concordia 3
Bust description Empress right, diademed, draped, on a lunar crescent Reverse description Concordia stg. l., holding standard in each hand.

Note It is practically impossible to part the coins between the series CONCORDIAE MILITVM with the Greek mark S/-//XXI = 6th officina (Issue 5) and the series with the Latin mark S/-//XXI = 2nd officina (Issue 6) 3189.
Reference BNC 1320-1
RIC1st 20 var.
Specimens of this coin type
Location Reference Quantity Weight Axis Remark
Paris (AF 12011) BNC 1320 1 3.61 6 Hairdress: high bun photo
Paris (Pflaum 691) BNC 1321 1 3.68 6 photo
Oxford 1 3.35 12 photo
Brussels (Inv. II. 61.973) Trésor de Syrie 1969, 207 1 3.78 11 Hairdress: high bun photo
Amasya 2399 1 S?/-//XXI
eBay, 3053239844 1 photo
Trésor de Syrie 1969, 158 1