RIC temp #2940

Temp №: 2940
Reign Aurelianus
Person Aurelianus
Mint Cyzicus
Issue 4
Issue name
Datation early 272
Officina 2
Denomination Antoniniani
obverse reverse
Obverse coin Revers coin
Obverse mark Reverse mark –/–//S
Bust code B1 Reverse code Emperor and Jupiter 1c
Bust description Bust right, radiate, cuirassed Reverse description Emperor in military dress stg. r., holding short sceptre in l. hand, receiving a globe from Jupiter stg. l., holding long sceptre in l. hand.

Reference LV 10118-23
RIC1st 346
Specimens of this coin type
Location Reference Quantity Weight Axis Remark
Paris (Pflaum 620) BNC 1153 = Çanakkale 3031 1 2.63 6 photo
Vienna (63431, Voetter) 1 2.41 12 photo
Vienna (63432, Rohde) 1 3.17 4 photo
Milan (Brera 11032) 1 4.18 6 photo
Milan (Laffranchi 20908) 1 3.42 12 photo
Milan (Laffranchi 20919) 1 3.75 11 photo
Brussels (No reference) 1 2.49 6 photo
Verona (La Venèra) LV 10118 1 2.62 9 photo
Verona (La Venèra) LV 10119 1 2.83 6 photo
Verona (La Venèra) LV 10120 1 3.48
Verona (La Venèra) LV 10121 1 3.52 5 photo
Verona (La Venèra) LV 10122 1 3.76
Verona (La Venèra) LV 10123 1 4.45 6 photo
Zagreb 1 5 photo
Bazarnes (TM VII) 288 1
Komin 1177 2
Maravielle 641 1
Sirmium 1612-14 3
Thun 2/346 1 3.57 12 photo
Villette d'Anthon 561 1 2.96