RIC temp #2928

Temp №: 2928
Reign Aurelianus
Person Aurelianus
Mint Cyzicus
Issue 3
Issue name
Datation end 271
Denomination Antoniniani
obverse reverse
Obverse coin Revers coin
Obverse mark Reverse mark –/–//–
Bust code B1 Reverse code Victory 3
Bust description Bust right, radiate, cuirassed Reverse description Victory walking l., holding wreath in r. hand and palm against l. shoulder.

Reference LV 10106-8
RIC1st 355 corr.
Specimens of this coin type
Location Reference Quantity Weight Axis Remark
Vienna (21608) 1 3.85 5 photo
Vienna (63387, Rohde) 1 4.25 10 photo
Vienna (63388, Rohde) 1 3.78 4 photo
Vienna (63389, Voetter) 1 3.91 5 photo
Vienna (63390, Voetter) 1 3.80 6 photo
Copenhagen (Ramus 165) 1 4.29 12 photo
Budapest 1 6 photo
Budapest 1 11 Same obverse die as a coin in the P. Zanchi collection. photo
Munich 1 3.74 11 photo
Verona (La Venèra) LV 10106 1 3.62
Verona (La Venèra) LV 10107 1 3.69 12 photo
Verona (La Venèra) LV 10108 1 3.98 5 photo
Ph. Gysen collection (Inv.98) 1 3.31 11 photo
P. Zanchi collection = CNG, MBS 84, 5/V/2010, 1375 1 4.58 5 Same obverse die as a coin in Bu. photo
CGB, Rome X, 2001, 1137 1 4.15 11 photo
CGB, Rome X, 2001, 1138 1 2.36 6 photo
Colonne 651 1
eBay, 9/IX/2007 = ex. Ph. Gysen collection = Lanz, 56, 13/V/1991, 738 1 3.09 photo
Jacquier, 31, 2003, 508 1