RIC temp #2198

Temp №: 2198
Reign Aurelianus
Person Aurelianus
Mint Siscia
Issue 6
Issue name
Datation autumn 272 – 273 – early 274
Officina 2
Denomination Antoniniani
obverse reverse
Obverse coin Revers coin
Obverse mark Reverse mark –/–//*S
Bust code B1 Reverse code Emperor 6d
Bust description Bust right, radiate, cuirassed Reverse description Emperor in military dress stg. l., raising with r. hand a female figure kneeling r., a modius on the head, and holding long sceptre in l. hand

Reference LV 7138-9
RIC1st 233 var.
Specimens of this coin type
Location Reference Quantity Weight Axis Remark
London (1920 4-4170) 1 2.99 12 photo
Vienna (Rohde) 1 2.93
Verona (La Venèra) LV 7138 1 3.30 12 photo
Verona (La Venèra) LV 7139 1 3.56 1 photo
Zagreb (8444) 1 12 photo
Zagreb (8445) 1 1 photo
Komin 1071 1
Lanz, 123, 30/V/2005, 826 1 2.89 12 photo
Thun 2/524 1 4.15 6 Same reverse die as LV 7138 and LV 7139, may be same obverse die as LV 7138 photo