RIC temp #2032

Temp №: 2032
Reign Aurelianus
Person Aurelianus
Mint Siscia
Issue 3
Issue name
Datation Spring – Summer 271
Officina 1
Denomination Aurei
obverse reverse
Obverse coin Revers coin
Obverse mark Reverse mark –/–//P*
Bust code D1 Reverse code Fortuna 1b
Bust description Bust right, radiate, cuirassed and draped with paludamentum Reverse description Fortuna std l. on wheel, holding rudder in r. hand and cornucopiae in l. hand

Note Estiot 107a: same obverse die as an aureus in Mar (Est. 108a) marked -/-//*(inverted Q). See Est. 106 for the probable existence of an aureus with -/-//T*.
Reference Est. 106-7
RIC1st 171
Specimens of this coin type
Location Reference Quantity Weight Axis Remark
Milan (Brera 10989) Estiot 1999/1, 106c 1 4.40 12 Plugged hole at é o'clock and mounted with a loop photo
Saint-Omer Estiot 1999/1, 106d = Musée de Saint-Omer, 88 1 6.00 Plugged hole photo
Estiot 1999/1, 106a = Ars Classica, 17, 3/X/1934, 1783 = Giessener, 78, 13/VI/1996, 615 1 6.58 photo
Estiot 1999/1, 106b = Leu, 48, 10/V/1989, 407 = Sotheby, 5/VII/1995, 161 1 6.58 photo
Estiot 1999/1, 106e = Bourgey, 23/V/1910, 230 1 Plugged hole
Estiot 1999/1, 107a = Bourgey, Vidal Quadras y Ramon collection, 16/XII/1913, 591 = Schulman, Vierordt collection, 5-8/III/1923, 2452 = Leu, NFA, Garett collection I, 16/V/1984, 901 = Elsen, 95, 15/III/2008, 227 1 6.23 12 photo