RIC temp #1855

Temp №: 1855
Reign Aurelianus
Person Aurelianus
Mint Rome
Issue 11
Issue name
Datation early – September 275
Officina 2
Denomination Denarii
obverse reverse
Obverse coin Revers coin
Obverse mark Reverse mark –/–//B
Bust code D1* Reverse code Victory 3d
Bust description Bust right, laureate, cuirassed and draped with paludamentum Reverse description Victory walking l., holding wreath in r. hand and palm against l. shoulder in l. hand; at feet to l., a bound and std. captive l., head turned r.

Note On the majority of the reverses, the captive has not his head turned back: a characteristic of officina B.
Reference BNC 258
RIC1st 72
Specimens of this coin type
Location Reference Quantity Weight Axis Remark
Paris (Armand Valton 1350) BNC 258 1 2.43 5 photo
Vienna (21699) 1 2.20 11 On the reverse, the captive has not his head turned back. photo
Vienna (40590, Rohde) 1 2.04 11 On the reverse, the captive has not his head turned back. photo
Milan (Laffranchi 20580) 1 1.86 1 On the reverse, the captive has not his head turned back. photo
Budapest 1 12 On the reverse, the captive has not his head turned back. photo
Budapest 1 6 On the reverse, the captive has not his head turned back. photo
P.-F. Jacquier collection 1 12 On the reverse, the captive has not his head turned back. photo
Aufhäuser, 7, 9-10/X/1990, 793 1 2.42
CGB, Rome X, 2001, 432 corr. 1 2.31 6 On the reverse, the captive has not his head turned back. photo
Elsen, 77, 13/XII/2003, 524 1
Künker 174, 27/IX/2010, 970 1 2.37 photo
Maravielle 109 1
Thun 2/533 1 2.14 5 photo