RIC temp #1597

Temp №: 1597
Reign Aurelianus
Person Aurelianus
Mint Rome
Issue 1
Issue name
Datation October – December 270
Officina 10
Denomination Antoniniani
obverse reverse
Obverse coin Revers coin
Obverse mark Reverse mark X/–//–
Bust code D1 Reverse code Mars 1b
Bust description Bust right, radiate, cuirassed and draped with paludamentum Reverse description Mars in military dress walking l., holding olive branch in r. hand, transverse spear and round shield in l. hand.

Note A coin in the Ph. Gysen collection is punctuated IMP C·L·DOM AVRELIANVS AVG.
Reference BNC 47-9
RIC1st 33
Specimens of this coin type
Location Reference Quantity Weight Axis Remark
London (1867 1-1-23) PCR 957 1 3.06 12 photo
London (R 1371) 1 3.17 11 photo
Paris (AF) BNC 49 1 3.49 6 photo
Paris (Pflaum 27) BNC 47 = Çanakkale 2911 1 2.51 6 photo
Paris (Pflaum 28) BNC 48 1 2.72 12 photo
Oxford 1 3.42 6 photo
Vienna (54979, Rohde) 1 3.30 11 photo
Vienna (54980, Voetter) 1 1.63 11 photo
Milan (Laffranchi 20707) 1 3.48 1 photo
Budapest 1 6 photo
Brussels (No reference) 1 3.36 7 photo
Verona Verona 6 1
Appleshaw (CHRB VIII) 315 1
Bath Area (CHRB VI) 314 1
Blackmoor 3650 1
Goeblingen 2472 1
Komin 577 3
Normanby 1249 4
Ph. Gysen collection 1 photo
Ph. Gysen collection 1 4.31 IMP C·L·DOM AVRELIANVS AVG photo
Troussey 4096 1
Warlencourt 1